Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Happy New Year everyone!

First thing this morning Master Pink went downstairs to change the year on his fabric calendar. He has been looking forward to this moment!

Master Pink is still poorly. He's been snuffly and panda eyed today, and not quite right. So we had another home day.

Miss Pink fed her baby with cake and cups of tea, and changed her bib several times. And Miss Pink has gone to bed tonight under a duvet instead of her baby sleeping bags. she really is turning into a little girl.

Grandma (my lovely mum) came round to share tea with us, which was great. She humoured Master Pink by "playing" playstation with him (Daddy had left it on while he attended to his part of cooking dinner). On screen, Mum had taken the lead character in Grand Theft Auto, shopping for new clothes! This will amuse my brothers if they are reading this, I'm sure.

So back to 2011, I hope you will be a kind year, a healthy one, and a happy one. I'm postponing any formal "new years" resolutions until Master Pink goes back to school. But my resolution in 2010 was to do something creative everyday. And I have succeeded (except for three days when I was too poorly), by doing my Blips.

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