Casa de Kooky

By missleslieanne

Chocolate & Bubbles - Happy 2011!

So I started this little blip journal last year, and frankly, failed miserably. No excuses, I was just rubbish.

BUT! I'm going to try again. See if I can manage a photo a day through 2011. Come along for the ride if you'd like - it's impossible to say what might turn up.

Entry 1 (on 01/01/2011 - woo), is a snapshot from how my boys & I brought in the new year. (I say boys, the small one was in dreamland by 10pm - typically, the one night I wouldn't have minded him staying up late. Christmas eve was a very different story. Hmph.)

Anyway, we opted out of various party invites in favour of a quiet night at home - lots of good edibles & Jools' hootenanny on the tellybox. Not particuarly rock & roll, but thoroughly pleasant all the same.

So, Happy New Year! Let's hope 2011 is full of nothing but good things.

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