Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

When I was 18 I spent a year in Sri Lanka. These are some of the people who were away with the same charity. We have become firm friends, as opposed to just getting on because we were thrown together. We live far and wide, London to the Hebrides, and don't see each other as much as I would like. However, this new year we had an impropteau gathering. Magic.

Borrowed my dad's SLR (as I'm doing some research - I want to buy my first and am trying to work out what I want) and we headed up Blackford Hill. Icy but worth it as the views were spectacular. I love this shot. Maybe I should try one soon from Arthur's Seat, which is in the distance, looking out over Blackford.

I'm enjoying basking in the knowledge that I have two more whole days before I'm back at work - it's great. And wondering what my first project is going to be on my new sewing machine. Any ideas?

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