Settling Down

By sloeginlin

The Old House

I was walking around the outside of the old farmhouse this afternoon, taking photo's of everything and nothing.

I found one of the old wooden doors had dropped askew a little. So I pushed my camera up and through the opening as much as I could.

This is part of the outhouse, you can see the doorway on the right which leads through to the kitchen.

In the outhouse would be the bread oven, and the old boiling copper. Under each of these would be a fire which would be kept lit all day.

I wish I could go back into the house now, there are so many rooms that I would love to investigate, but it is far too dangerous.

Had a lovely day, I was actually able to do a little work outside which always makes me feel great.

I cannot wait for the spring and summer to return.

Mmmmmmmmm lovely thoughts.


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