
By Nigel


Jen wanted to take her new BMW Z3 for a spin as it didn't get driven yesterday and apparently it'll cry if it isn't driven every day. There was some vague attempt to justify this by trying to thnk of things to buy from shops but after some DVDs from Blockbuster and some stuff from Peckham's we just drove out to Joppa and back.

After my fairly quiet night last night and earlyish night I was awoken at 6am when Jen got home from work and we shared a bottle of Chamagne and stayed up till about 9 chatting. After going to bed for the second time I got up again at 1pm I had no idea what day it was, Monday was what my body was telling me so I had to keep checking that it was actually Saturday.

After enjoyning a New Year's Day feast of Pheasant (for once I managed to get it cooked jus about right) we watched Expendables, which was quite frankly, expendable.

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