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Bath time for Joe :)

This is my little brother Joe he is one coming up two now a couple of my blips are of him he is a little rat most of the time but isn't any child really? but as you can see in this blip he can shut up from time to time and actually put a smile on his face.

I suppose it's hard for all of us to put a smile on our face some times especially when you have lost some one you adore and love but that's just how life is you get up and it just knocks you straight back down to start over again. I lost my little brother Max to Neuroblastoma (a common childhood cancer) and he was a very strong little lad but didn't manage to pull through. But now however my mum runs a charity that helps children with Neuroblastoma to have fun get better whilst everyone is trying their hardest to find a cure for the monstrous disease. I hope no more childrens' lives are robbed straight from their hands ever again and for every one to live happily and get along.

Well anyway Joe is very cheeky in his own little way and although he dons't have Max to play with he has his little sister Chrissy to play with now. In the blip he is in the bath trying to get all the pen off him after all of the drawing earlier that day. I love his crazy spiked up hair! Joe is really gentle when he plays with Chrissy Joe is so bad when plays with Chrissy earlier his dad (my step-dad) came home from B&Q with two orange balloons and whilst Chrissy was leaning on one Joe decided to pop it with a felt tip pen and crack up on the floor laughing but when i turned to look at Chrissy she wasn't crying she just had a really grumpy/serious face on her but Chrissy is a very serious child.

I hope every one in blipland has an absolutely fantabulous 2011! xx :)

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