just be

By justbe

A calming touch needed

If there be light, then there is darkness; if cold, heat; if height, depth; if solid, fluid; if hard, soft; if rough, smooth; if calm, tempest; if prosperity, adversity; if life, death.


She may not have a bad angle, but yesterday she had a bad spell and attacked her innocent brother with fury, three times,out of the blue. As my friend, Bethanne said, the house has not it's usual harmonious atmosphere. Grief, tension and sadness swirl around where there is always such calm. She is so intense and so bonded to us, she just seems to have snapped under the stress. My brother who has 5 cats was over and Max slathered himself all over him. Perhaps some nasty alien cat odor transfered to Max, they passed in a hallway to the barn and all hell broke loose. Flower Remedies and a separation have been prescribed, she does seem calmer. She is very loving with us, but a banshee with him. She was locked out of the bedroom last night, he was inside and she howled and tried to chisel her way in ALL NIGHT, T had to take a vacation day, no sleep. We have 3 grief stricken guests overnight tonight arriving for dinner, they have said some tearful goodbyes in Maine as they head back home.

Good thoughts needed. The elephant on my chest is getting up, this cat thing has to improve, these animals are so beloved, and were so peaceful, it's unbelievable.

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