
By dailykeith

More coffee

Our coffee fixation has just taken an interesting new route. After the thrill last year of cappuccino from a super-duper espresso machine, we've gone back to basics with a percolator for our Bristol flat.

It's an intriguing device in which the heated water in a bottom chamber pushes up through grounds to produce coffee in a top chamber. The end result is pretty delicious, although we are still working on the correct quantities of milk to finish the job off.

The more we experiment with coffee, the further we move away from instants.

At the weekend, Mrs Dailykeith was offered - and she accepted - a mug of Nescafe.

"It was horrible - I couldn't drink it," she reports. The trouble is, not everyone has a coffee machine or percolator. I guess we'll have to ask for tea instead on those occasions.

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