A new year discovery.

I spent new year in a rented cottage on the west coast of Scotland. Its vast library and many old photographs of the owner's family brought out the Sherlock in me and after a bit of work I realised I was staying in a house belonging to the family of Hardwicke Rawnsley, one of the altruistic individuals credited with the setting up of the National Trust. There was an ancient, dusty book titled simply "autographs" on one of many creaking shelves. Going by its contents, it would seem his family was acquainted with the Duke of Wellington (who he couldn't have known as he died when he was an infant) and someone signing his name Dr Darwin. That'll be Charles then. There was also pasted to its pages a handwritten letter from 10 Downing Street, dated 1941 from Clementine Churchill, wife of Winston. Shouldn't this stuff be in the V&A?

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