Titley Times

By racheltitley

Preperations complete (I think)

Tiddler starts school tomorrow (I pre-warn you of the subject of tomorrows blip and much gushing)

A 'victim' of being 10 days too young to start in September, and the last year of the dual intake in our county. I only say a 'victim' as for some its a brilliant system where younger children start later when they are more ready for school and for others such as tiddler its a nightmare that has seen him regress and tantrum after a term at nursery with children a year younger than him, anyway I digress.

The preperations for eldest to go to school were so much more organised - sewn in tape names, everything bought well in advance and hung in the wardrobe.

Tiddler has his name written with a laundry pen (well the tapes all fell out of eldest's), he only had his final piece of PE kit sorted today and his uniform has been in a bag at the bottom of the wardrobe.

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