Busy days

This next couple of weeks is going to be really, really busy. I thought I'd have more time today, but I didn't.

At around 4pm, I managed to sneak out for a break at work and do another walk around campus looking for something blip-worthy. I seriously had difficulties finding anything at all. I photographed: mushrooms, a leaf on concrete, dried pine cones, rust on a door, a weird 3 Mile sign jammed into a hole in the concrete, a chunk of moss, a tiny skeletal leaf, some dried up ferns, and a fantastic bag of Lay's potato chips held up by my cool friend J.

In the end, I went with this shot of a random sign brutally stapled to this poor tree. I cannot imagine what would possess someone to deface a tree for the sake of this band. I hope they are good. Projekt Orijyn appears to be a local rap/hip hop band (according to Facebook). Too bad they can't spell, huh?

Actually that brings me to the fact that no one spells their children's names the way they should be spelled. I AM including myself in that "no one" group. We, of course, not only have Hindu names for our boys but we had to spell them different. So now only our American friends and relatives can spell them correctly, since they do their best to memorize the spelling, since they've never seen them spelled before. My son's class if full of children with common names, but nearly all of them are spelled in some new and creative way. Love it.

Oh, and the class I was teaching (notice the "WAS"), has been creatively removed from my control and given to a full-time faculty member because her classes were cancelled for low enrollment. So now I'm short $900, but I have all this spare time on my hands (haha). So my husband has convinced me to enroll in a Speech course that emphasizes communicating with others. I'm on a waitlist now, but I do hope to get in. It should help me with my work issues.

The boys need to come out of the bath, and we need to make our banana bread in a hurry. So I'm off again without commenting. :( I do miss my vacation already. I had so much more time to see everyone!!

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