
By traceyflowerpot


I cant believe what has happened this evening at home, its funny but not funny if you get what I mean.

I brought ten bottles of lager for myself for Christmas and I brought ten bottles of Shandy for the boys. That bit was ok, but tonight I was doing the tea when I noticed there was only two bottles of my lager left, I asked Eric if he had any of it, he said "NO Why", I said "Well I havent had that much of it, I have only had about three bottles of it", he said" you must have drank them, so I decided not to argue with him (he has Man Flu you see, and I am suffering quite bad from it, I havent got it myself, I am just suffering his whining about him having it, haha).

Anyway decided to have a bottle of lager with my tea, I went back a little while later to have the last bottle but it had gone, I knew then it wasnt me, even though I knew it wasnt me in the first place.

I went into the living room and Kieran had just opened a bottle, I picked it up, it wasnt shandy it was lager, OMGGGGGGGG, he said he had been drinking it off the side of the ktichen unit all week as Aaron told him it was the shandy, haha, its not funny I know but how funny is that.

Kieran had to go to the dentist this morning as he has got an abcess on his gum, I cant believe that it didnt hurt, mind you if he has been drinking lager odd times through the week he wouldnt have felt it, haha.

He must have had about three bottles all together, well two, I took the last bottle away from him when I noticed.

I feel such a bad Mother, Oh My, Oh My....

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