Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Max The Cat

Meet max the cat, carefully created by my elder daughter. But first a note from me.

For some while, in fact ever since I missed the first day at around the 200 entries mark, the appeal to make a daily journal entry has waxed and wained. For some of you, blipping is an obsession and the need to ensure a daily blip causes a certain nervousness only quelled by taking a photograph.

I've missed a few more since then too. Taking and posting a picture daily for the sake of it, no matter how poor, has become too much of a chore. Blipfoto for me was and is more about the photo than the journal. So from today, as I can find the time and when I find something blipworthy, it will feature firmly here and I hope you'll like them.

So back to Max and in the words of a 6 year-old:

This is Max the cat.

He is my best pet.

A cat is my favourite animal.

I also have a pet hamster and he is very cute and very very *shout* SOFT!

Keep blipping! I do enjoy them!!

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