Should have shown the thaw ...

Tonight's Chew & Chat encounter was in the Blackboard Café in Clare Street. The Norwegian weather site got hings right, and the thaw they'd forecast set in dramatically quickly during the day. I tried to capture the drips of the melting snow on the way in to town, but this pathetic result means you'll just have to take my word for it.

Tom and I met in the Lincoln's Inn, which is a grand old spot, especially after a chilly walk to the DART station from home and a chilly stroll from Pearse Station to the pub.

It's shame that I'm writing this so long after the event, because I can't really do the Blackboard justice in terms of a meaningful review. The general impression which stays in the mind is 'okay, but not great'. I'd warned Tom when we confirmed the arrangement that I couldn't afford to stay as late as we usually do in town after one of our meet-ups, since I was down to host the Music Group session tomorrow and still had tidying and cleaning to do in preparation for that.

Despite all that, our chat went on and on and suddenly it came to the stage where I'd missed my last bus and needed to get a NiteLink home. Another great night.

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