
By FauxPunk



Didn't sleep properly on Sunday night, and was awake when my alarm went off for work at 7AM. Temperature was well up above 38 again, so I decided work was not the best place for me. I called in sick, and made a mental note to call the DR's when they opened at 08:30... not realising that the New Year Bank Holiday would be on Monday!

Spent most of the day sleeping - very very very strange dreams. I remember being particularly sad when Mathew disappeared into the sky inside a giant white porcelain tea-pot. I have no idea! (Neither did he when he came home from work, woke me up, and I tried to discuss this with him).

Nothing much else happened of note. Although i think I watched Inception (although this may have happened on Tuesday). Awesome Movie, gutted I missed it in the cinema. Will watch again when my head is less scrambled!

Obi-Wan is the best I could manage. The alternative were some pics Mathew took of me, but they're just too awful, the world's not strong enough for them...

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