
By tigraki

First Day, Budapest

After an late night flight from Athens, Greece, we arrived in Budapest at 5:00 in the morning. A short nap in the hotel and off we were for a view of the town. It was quite cold but we did manage to cover a bit of a ground and get a bit of a feel for the city. This was improved a bit by the bus tour we went on for a couple of hours, where a bit of the history of the country was explained and we had a chance to visit some of the monuments and some quite magnificent locations.

In the afternoon following a late lunch we rushed back to the hotel to catch up with the rest of the tour group just as they were driving away! Fortunately the driver saw us and we joined them for an evening tour of the Danube. This time inside the warmth of the boat with a glass of wine at hand we were rewarded with a most beautiful view of the city.

In the evening, in contrast to the rest of the group we were not ready to give in without a drink. Luckily we were directed to a most amazing pub (The Old Mans in hungarian unfortunately) where there was a rock band playing and we had a few pints. Just what was needed after a very long day.

More photos here.

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