Mia & Bee

By mia77

I was finally able to photograph this little area here in town that I've been wanting to get to. I wanted to shoot it using my 35mm Pentax K-1000, but only ended up having one shot left on the roll. I did have a spare roll in my car, but forgot to grab it, and didn't have enough time to go back. Luckily, I also had my Olympus PEN E-PL1 DSLR with me.

I just got that roll back from processing, and that one shot is pretty sweet, but it's not as sweet as this shot. I'll probably be going back with my Pentax eventually. The other shots from that roll (35mm Kodak Portra 400vc) are just beautiful. I'll probably be blogging them, or uploading them to my Flickr account sometime soon.

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