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By mly

Rasmus' 1 year party!

Just got home from our friends' little boy Rasmus' birthday party, where we got a lot of bubbly and lots of good food. The birthday boy himself was happiest when allowed to sit on the floor and play with this particular gift. He couldn't really get the blocks out of the little box they were in, so the birthday wish his grandparents had spelled out remained while he was busy trying to get them to move :)

Believe it or not, I actually managed to forget to bring my camera even though I knew it was the birthday party of the little boy with the brightest blue eyes in the world. Gah! I did shoot this pic myself though - with Rasmus' dad's camera. Thanks Martin for saving my blip today! :)

No time for commenting today as I'm off to another birthday party in just an hour (she's 30 years older than Rasmus though :)), but I'll try and get around to you all tomorrow. Have a wonderful Saturday night everyone!

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