Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


ok, so here it is. my first posted image taken with the new camera. have to say that i am not completely disappointed. it could of course be better but that's the thing with photography (and pretty much everything in life) you can always learn more. given my level of expertise a LOT to learn but that's a good thing too. frustrating at times but still fun.
not much to say. we had a family afternoon/evening out down to brighton, which is where todays pic was taken. went down the pier for the first time.
a tacky tourist hell...............i loved it and can't wait to go back with folk who may be more amused by the sheer nastiness of the place. this does to Mrs McD what IKEA does to me. again she can't complain, after all i get forced to visit "that store" at least 5 times a year and we have only been down the pier once in 5 years. i think she is getting the better deal.
anyway, a nice italian place for dinner and home. now baby McD who slept in the car on the way home is now being told off by Mrs McD for not settling.

ah blip saves me from getting involved again, thanks joe.............

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