Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

Baloo - 11 months old

A friend of ours went hunting recently and packaged these bones for the boys... we give it to them raw and frozen, so it keeps them busy for a good couple of hours!

I can't believe Baloo is almost a year old... He has settled down a lot and is now far less puppy and more dog. He'll be attending his first "play group" at our training school on Friday. It's an informal play session with a couple of other dogs who have all graduated from clicker / basic obedience training. The play gets interrupted every 10 min or so for short recall and obedience sessions, maintaining structure and proofing against distractions.

I'll continue training Paddington at home, but will be giving him a break from formal classes, as he still finds the training environment stressful and does much better when trained alone on walks.

Sean's dad turns 74 yrs old today, so we'll be joining the family for afternoon tea... yum-yum:)

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