Walking the dog

It's been great having Mum and Dad with us but they head off home tomorrow so today was the last time for a while me and Dad will get to wander along the riverbank walking the whippet. The whippet celebrated in style by finding a pile of fox crap and having a good roll around in it.

Me and Ruby also found our first Geocache together. As the clue on the Geocache app was "the treasure is hidden in an alley smelling of pee" it's fair to say I've been spoilt today.

In more fragrant news I baked shoulder of lamb for four hours alongside red wine, garlic, red onion, tomato and balsamic vinegar so at least the house was smelling great. Mrs Smith's Mum came round to join in the feast too.

Better go now as Ruby is about to rustle up a side of Salmon baked in Honey, French Mustard and Dill and I don't want to miss that.

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