Tomasz K

By tomasz

Water fountain in Gorge de Covatannaz

Well today was a miserable day here in West Switzerland. Rain, rain, and more rain. A bit of a challenge to shoot something interesting given the lousy light in general. It was in the Gorge de Covatannaz I decided to try my luck. Very wet, damp, but nice light.
So between my umbrella, my tripod, and my camera, it was an akward proceedure to get some shots. Actually I got about 5 good ons, and decided on this.

I liked the colours in bottom of this basin, which looks very inviting, but turns out not to be drinking water. It's not perfect, but I liked the result. My talents in LR3 are not great, but I get by. Would love to be a Jedi Master with LR3 as it is a great tool. Anyway, hope you like this : )


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