Charlotta's photo moments

By HighlandViews

Feel the magic

this has always been one of my favourite places. although it is an all familiar sight, being so close and having passed it so often, it still has an evocative feel, especially at sunrise and sunset. we spent last years summer solstice there welcoming the rising sun, we were there when it was icy cold and covered in snow.

After an exciting morning walk, witnessing Swan Wars pt 2 down at the nature reserve and about 600 pictures, mostly of irate swans, I actually thought I had taken enough pictures today. I have yet to swiftly browse through and discard the unwanted (I hate that part) blips. But I took the lovely daughter to her friends house, and on the way back decided that the sky looked brilliant and that it might be a really nice sunset by Stonehenge, I turned the car westwards and made my way there. Of all days, I had to leave my membership card at home, so I took my post by the fence instead, and duly racked up another 239 photos, ah well, digital photography is a blessing and a curse at times, lol.

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