
By SomeGuyInNJ

Little ones sliding down the slope.

Today I woke feeling like I fell down the stairs or something yesterday... Oh yeah... I did...

Thanks for the concern and best wished yesetrday. I'm Rather sore all over today. Lots of bruises including some very black ones on my hip. Ankle still makes makes walking painful. Throughout the day pains keep starting in new places.

Oh well, could have been a lot worse.

More snow overnight, but today was bright sunshine.

As the little one is a lot better (though still finishing her latest course of antibiotics) we decided it was okay for her to come play in the snow. I couldnt join in with sliding down the bank at the back of the yard because of my bruised state but I did get some good snaps. Hobbling around on the snow did my ankle no good but some things are worth hurting for.

Isn't one of the best joys of parenting seeing them have such fun? Especiallty when you cant...

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