A Dog's Dinner

By G

Back to the Future 2

I got the first of my film back for the lab this afternoon. I'm quite pleased.

The camera seems to be working fine, no light leaks, the exposures were spot on, the colour was nice - not too bright, quite understated. I'm not sure about the focus - I'll need to get a good scan just to make sure, but I do think they're a bit soft.

It did make me think about the process of taking photographs with film. It does make you slow down, select and compose the image and to consider each individual shot as a whole. It also makes you think about the image before you've even picked up the camera.

For me, it does force me to generally become more thoughtful and consider the final print

On a practical note the cost has to be factor. Film and processing isn't cheap, so far we're up to £1.50 per image not including scans or prints.

..and the point of it all? To become a bit better I suppose.

** It did strike me that processing 120 film always was expensive and if anything it has got cheaper. One of the driving forces for the development of high end digital backs and full sized chips was to sell it to pros on the basis that they would make their money back quite quickly.**

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