The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm


At least I think this was her name. I was standing at the fence at Peckingell taking pictures when the owner rode up on a buggy and asked me which one I would choose, and I answered, "the grey one". He told me that they were all polo ponies that wintered here between September and March. On March 1st they return to Malmesbury and resume work at Beaufort. This one, I think, if I've got the right one, was the oldest at 30 years and I think also it was this one that had been badly treated by a former owner as she hadn't been fast enough for him, making her rather nervous.
He then went over to a field on the other side of the road where there were more polo ponies, to feed them with fresh hay.
It was a mild day, but the light levels remained low and skies were grey.

Lens: Pentax 55-300mm (not playing up)

Some Ponies In Another Field
The Grey One
Feeding Time

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