With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


As I was driving to my new job this morning, I was envisaging the blip for today. The low angle of the light catching the sheep with their lambs grazing peacefully under the olive trees. The title something along the lines of Pastures New or Pastoral Care. Well no, of course I didn't stop, I didn't want to lose time, and neither did I on the way home, different angle of light but a similar bucolic scene.

Mondays will be full on. It was fine, and so they will all be.

Inevitably I hardly slept. Stupid thoughts, worrying about driving on that hateful bit of motorway. And infact I was overtaken by two firetrucks in the tunnel out of Soller, and I saw them again coming back towards Valldemossa, followed by another six emergency vehicles! I hope that whatever had happened didn't result in anything awful. It was a good reminder to drive carefully and that nothing is worth racing for. Nothing.

And the cold I thought I'd get from meeting new pupils came early. Last night. I've talked too much today and I'm grateful I have a day free tomorrow to get some voice back. Whatever, I don't feel too bad at all, I enjoyed my first day. The pupils seem lovely and greet everyone with a polite and cheerful "Good Morning". Helpful and friendly colleagues, coffee fund in the staffroom, clean rooms, and enthusiasm all around.

I returned with good time to get the boys from school, take them to sport, catch up with Orisit and then home, light the fire, cook dinner, homework and power down (eventually). Oh. Forgot my dinner. Muffin top reducing time :)


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