Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Birthday Kids

Wel today is a big day in the Otago Lad household, Baxter and Carol aka Days of Me are both having a birthday. Baxter is one year old and Carol is, um how do I put this, um...............older. I have been doing a lot of thinking this morning and.......

Some people are so important in our lives and we so often take these ones for granted the most. If it wasnt for Carol over the last few months Im not sure just how I would have got through she has been my rock. Ive surprised her by getting the afternoon/evening off and were going out for dinner as a treat. If anyone in the world deserves it, she does putting up with me its no picnic for sure.

I suggest we all take time to thank those that are closest to us today because they are the ones we are most likely to neglect and they are most deserving of our kindness.

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