Titley Times

By racheltitley

Happy Hippo - Little Box #1

it was cold and dark as I ran for the train and cold, dark and icy when i drove from the train station home - so tonight's blip caused me to start wandering through the house to find something of importance to blip.

I first happened upon a lovely pewter penguin that we have inherited from my father in law ( he may make an appearance one day), but then I saw this liitle fella trying to hide from my shot.

I actually own rather a lot of little boxes (gawd now theres a future blip - or lots of emergency ones if I blip individually) of various size, shape, material and value and this is one of the earlier ones I acquired.

He came from Kenya and was bought on our honeymoon 11 and a half years ago. He is made from soapstone, you can still see the sellotape mark where his lid was firmly attached to him for a period of time.

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