The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Pomme, Pomme, Poeme

These are going into tonight's chicken dinner - apples, and fingerling potatoes.


I need a potent burst of yellow. There's been a bit of snow again, and now freezing rain.


Here is the poem I wrote, working off of today's prompt on The Morning Porch. Dave Bonta has also put it up on Via Negativa]:


Closer, says the ear to the voice--

Closer, says the face to the water--

Closer, says the throat to the song--

Closer, say the tissues to the cell--

Closer, says the mouth to the flame--

Closer, says the hare to the hound--

Closer, says the lilac to the unsuspecting chickadees--

Closer, say the hundred leaves to the twig--

Closer, says the estocada to the bull--

Closer, says the red heart to the muelta,
fluttering to the ground in a rain of roses.

~ Luisa A. Igloria
01 11 2011

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