My Aim is True



...yeah, that really does say Morton Hall Crematorium. Odd, because it should be Mortonhall (all one word). I didn't even notice that as I was blipping it, only when I uploaded it.

So, then. 4 years, eh? Goodness me. I had a quick wee look back. I thought I may link to some of my favourite blips. But that always seems a bit...self indulgent? (or is it that mine aren't too artistic?).

Through blipfoto, I've met some really wonderful people, and D77. Folk that I'm now lucky enough to class as pals.

Like everyone else I would like to thank Joe. But equally important are Layla, Bella, Graeme and Beryl. They've all helped make this a wonderful place to hang out. And of course the whole blip community. Well done chaps.

I can't imagine what life would be like without blipfoto. Although my house would be much cleaner, I'd be a regular at the gymn, I would have progressed beyond beginner Spanish, I would have completed my MBA, I would have read all those books that are on my bedside cabinet, my dissertation on Eastern European post-modern poetry would have been handed in, my CDs would be in alphabetical order and I would know why Mrs Warboys is now in Corrie.

So I shall leave you with the
Four Tops ( as Mr Bragg says, there's nothing that can't be solved by putting on the kettle and listening to the Four Tops.

(I once saw the Four Tops in concert. But was so pished I thought it was the Eight Tops...but that's a story for another blip)

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