High Seas

What a wild day! Very strong gales from the SSE at the moment and the sea is boiling. Walked down to the cliff edge to take this - how's that for dedication? My face felt as if had been sand blasted with the salt and I could hardly see through my glasses! Ollie found a plastic bottle which kept him amused and exercised! Every time he let go of it it blew up the field and he hared off after it. Didn't need me at all!

The house windows are thick with salt, I can hardly see through them, but I can see the poor sparrows and blackbirds being blown about in the back garden as they valliantly try to get to the bird seed. A kind friend gave me a big sack of it as a New Year present!

Lovely and cosy now, have got the fire lit and am now awaiting more friends to help me eat up some of the Christmas/New Year nibbles! The sell by dates are looming!

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