
By gilliebg

Winter woods

I was going to write an informative piece about cypress knees, but that can wait. This afternoon, the funeral of nine year old Christina Green will be held in Tucson, Arizona. I am sure many of you know that she was killed during an attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gaby Giffords by a young man, who, despite a known history of mental instability, was able to walk into a gun store in Arizona, and buy a repeating automatic handgun.

In a fitting tribute to the birthday and life of 9-year-old Christina Green, the National 9-11 flag taken from the World Trade Center has been sent and will be displayed at her funeral today in Tucson. Pieces of this flag were sewn together and patched, in Kansas, by tornado survivors. The flag has been on display around the country and will be on permanent display at the 9/11 museum after the 10 year anniversary of the disaster. Little Christina will not see her 10th birthday.

My picture has nothing to do with anything, but obviously I can't take a photograph of the flag today.

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