Happiness - Ecuadorian style

Vile day again and I didn't even poke my nose out into the boat. This is a handwoven back pack with applique. I found it in Ecuador a year ago and it always makes me smile as it is full of memories of my stay there with my son-in-law C's family. We spent a lot of time in the jungle with C who broke open fruits for us to try and showed us which leaves or bark could be used for medicine, thatching and so many other things; leaves, roots and wood have a myriad of uses (just think Panama hats made from palm leaves). He showed us butterflies and monkeys, birds and snakes, huge spiders and lizards and we climbed mountains, waded through or canoed rivers, floated down rapids in rubber tyres with the locals, explored ravines and my new hip was marvelous! It was a grand introduction for my grandson to see the land of his ancestors

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