Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

First of the Year!

Foggy drive to work today then straight into running a course. The overbooking strategy of our glorious leaders fell flat on its face today. The normal 25% drop off rate did not occur and so we ended up with an extremely crowded room and a very disgruntled me. I have of course taken a photo of the situation as part of my case to those who must be obeyed. We are not bloody Ryan Air.

Anyhoo - you almost got a blip of the frigate Unicorn, one of the few surviving wooden battleships and is in a very sorry state of repair. However when I had a looksee the pictures we dodgy and out of focus. So I shall spare you the full tale of whats happening on that front FOR TODAY (edge of the seat stuff I know)

Instead we have my first flower blip of the year. Bit of an emergency one as I say but there you go. Mr LIF was late today - he has been baying at the moon :)

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