
By justgeoffrey


Meet Jasmine, one of my appointments today.

She is exploring her Strengths, or rather, today Jasmine is exploring Weaknesses.

A Weakness is not necessarily something we are bad at. It might be something we are very good at, and yet the doing if it leaves is depleted, de-energised, weak. Jasmine is involved in many amamzing and creative initiatives, and for her, what not to do is really important.

You might have found yourself in this situation: someone who knows you well thinks you should do something because you can do this really well, but only you know what it feels like to do that.

When I told Jasmine why I was taking the picture she wanted to share how this journey of Strengths and Weaknesses have helped her to reflect on her life and the see the way forward supported by her Strength Statements.

Amazing conversations.

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