Instant Messaging

Gads. It's gotten late. I think a QSICGOWMT-blip* is in order. I did go to the trouble to folding a double layer of tissue paper for this** so a weensy bit of effort was involved.

It's great for instant messaging if the person it's meant for is in the immediate vicinity. It's also great for secret messages if you don't plan to deliver it.

Other than a trip to the PO for a client and a grocery run, I have been nailed to my task; interrupted only by a maddening online game and a cat insistently trying to start a game of drag-the-mouse-around.

Has it been very long since I made the statement that I wasn't going to let this winter get to me?

*Quick So I Can Get On With My Task-blip
**you may want to turn the sound off

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