In My Mind...

By midnightblues

Creeper Status?

I worked at the restaurant again today. The internet was make me so frustrated because it disconnected me ever 5 minutes--literally every 5 fricking minutes! Anyways, I had nothing to entertain me. There were these three little kids that came in with their mom and I played hide and seek with them. I wasn't going to upload this, but my pictures from today are all blurry but this one. It totally makes me look like a stalker/creeper, but I took this while I was trying to hide from one of the kids.

Oh, Heidi and Phil came to eat at the restaurant too but I had no time to talk to them since people kept coming in packs. I met up with them later for Tea Station with Antoine. We saw Jennifer Cheng and Justin Min (I always hear about this guy) and we ended up talking to them outside the parking lot for a long time in the cold. I hadn't really seen friends in a while with all the craziness going on so it was nice :)

I'm thankful to have friends that don't give up on me and push me to come out of my shell.

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