Mother and Child

Why oh why do hotels make it a test of intelligence to contact to their WiFi and why do they not provide it free of charge as a matter of course?

I ask this because we are staying in a hotel near to daughter #5 and want to use the WiFi in the hotel room.

I buy a package and am provided with a log on user name of many letters and numbers, so complex that it would take too long to memorise and have at your finger tips, and also a password equally long.

I type this in to the space provided and I get a message saying try again.
I do this several times, until driven to distraction and fury, I go to the front desk and tell the poor receptionist that I give up.
I suggest that as a matter of goodwill, he reads out the user name and password so that I can type it in on my computer......., and guess what, it works. He looks at me as if I am another foolish woman......... so obviously wrong.

I can only think that Orange Fr (why on earth is the WiFi in Shipley,provided by France?) is having a laugh at my expense.
In fact it was his Lordship who wanted the internet connection anyway, since I can get connected at daughter # 5's house where he is reluctant to spend time when he could be seeking his pleasures elsewhere eg the Armoury Museum in Leeds today or maybe Harrogate.

Anyway the rant is now over and I'm sitting peacefully waiting for the baby to wake up so that he can be fed and then we can go out for a walk.
We are half way up a hill here so walking anywhere certainly develops leg muscles you didn't know you had. It is also torture on plantar fascitis, which is my preferred ailment of the day.

Now as I post this blip, we have walked to Salt Mill at Saltaire which is my favourite place south of the border.

PS Perhaps the WiFi is via Orange France if the Ibis hotels are French.

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