Craft & Life

By Aluap


Ventured out today to visit the QVC Outlet shop, i did get a couple of items which will Blip in the future.

On the way into the shopping centre there is a florist shop. Seeing as i don't have any flowers at home to photograph i asked permission to practice using my camera. The lady was very lovely and said help yourself. Took about a dozen or so macro shots of dahlias, asters, sunflowers, roses, chimaeras (this isn't the correct spelling) and poppies.

Decided to use this one of a white chrysanthemum centre, it is so much fun to be able to take images like this with little effort. The camera does it all, i just point and shoot...

Decided to treat OH to a chinese meal so we set off to our local; unfortunately i had a panic attack with all of the loud noises, just couldn't cope. Ended up asking for the meal to be doggy bagged so i could get into the fresh air and less noise. It is some time since i had a panic attack, this one took me by surprise. Wanted to Blip one of my flower images as it would be too late tomorrow but am too upset and exhausted to comment. Will catch up over the weekend.

Thanks for dropping by and have a fantastic weekend:-)

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