Consider the Lilies

By skambalu

I saw a fox!

Alas, this is not the photo of that fox!

I was trying to take some photos on my way to work, in case I didn't manage to take any later. Unfortunately I was just using my mobile, as it was to hand.

Just as I locked my phone and put it away, I looked up, and there ahead of me stood a large, red fox. Fantastic photo opportunity. If only my camera or at least phone had been in my hand! I got the phone out, struggled to switch off the lock and get to the camera setting ... By this time the fantastic Mr Fox had gone through the fence, heading to the canteen bin area and beyond. I managed to get one blurry photo as it departed, but decided not to inflict that one on you - it would have been a bit like "find the fox" rather than the urban beauty it could have been.

So here is a nearby tree instead. I like the tangled bare branches against the sky at this time of year.

Taken today, Friday 14 January 2011.

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