tempus fugit

By ceridwen


I know it's a tired old pun - and we're nowhere near Easter yet - but this assemblage celebrates the return of the laying season. Ducks and hens normally have a long winter break during which they moult and, if free-ranging, concentrate on keeping warm and nourished during the colder months. But soon after the New Year I expect to start finding the odd egg in the nest boxes.

The little speckled ones are of course quails' eggs, courtesy of a friend who has started keeping those little birds (I can't wait to see them) - four are about equal to one hen's egg.

The ostrich egg was laid a very much longer time ago. I bought it off a street stall and was told it could be Victorian. Ostrich eggs were often collected then and displayed on a special stand as a talking point in the drawing room. It's said to be the equivalent of 24 hen's eggs, which is to say about 100 quails' eggs!

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