
By D77

Orange and Blue

A double bill at Shitty Stars today. First up was Tangled, which was absolutely brilliant. It has a unique charm which borrows heavily from the old days of Disney but with Pixar quality visuals and a very witty script. The horse sidekick steals every scene he's in, the main guy is utterly charming, and the princess is, well, let's just say Jessica Rabbit has some competition and leave it at that. Not quite a How to Train Your Dragon beater, but pretty close.

The other film of the day was Let Me In, which was totally ruined by fucking fuckers fucking talking and chatting and texting and laughing and generally fucking me off severely during the majority of the film. However, a new me is currently operating within my head-space and so I calmly tuned them out and defizzled my blood as best I could, helped a little by a rather nifty gadget lent to me by a friend that actually blocks mobile phone signals (albeit only for about half an hour, and which ironically ends up encouraging a frenzy of activity when the battery dies) giving the moral high ground for a while.

The taxi journey home was the usual assault on the senses, but did provide this photograph, which reminded me of my technical days as a design student and the wonders of the colour wheel (which dictates the complementary nature of blue and orange, each making the other appear more so, as it were). It also reminded me that Larissa's hair is amazing.

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