Random Object Hiding Places #1: Washing Machine

Since becoming self-mobile, we've had to either re-think our current cupboard layout and move potentially hazardous stuff elsewhere, or put a baby-lock on the cupboard so that the wee man can't get in. Now that he's locked out of all the cupboards with the 'interesting' stuff in it (i.e. the stuff that mummy and daddy won't let him play with), he's taken an interest in some of the other kitchen objects, specifically so the washing machine. He's able to open the door if it's closed (not whilst it's on mind - the door locks then), and he's figured out that mummy and daddy press the buttons to make it work - thankfully it has a child lock for the buttons though, or my clothes would be coming out the same size as his!

So, now that he can get in to the washing machine whilst it's not running, he's taken to hiding random things in there. Today I found a red grape and a wooden spoon. Yesterday it was his "Timmy time" books. Who knows what we'll find in there tomorrow.

Also back blipped for yesterday: Look Closely...

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