Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen

Back to Square One

The big emotional roller coaster of life.

I got two more interviews today, only one of which I can take.
Have an interview tomorrow morning at 10, and I'm nervous.

Glad I have an interview in town, but was devastated to find out I can't take the other two. Don't think I'm really going to explain. Let's just say it's crap :\

Thought more art would be a good emotional outlet, so this is my creative "work" for the day.

Also had some good talks with my mom and two of my closest friends which was great. I'm really grateful for their support.

Also, I want to thank all the people that posted yesterday, and all the people that have been sending me good vibes and wishes randomly and/or constantly on blip. Thank you all for your continued support, it really means a lot, and has been a great help. *HUGS* to all of you :)

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