Fostering Finn - Freedom

Finn has been with us just over a week now and is well settled in (a bit too well!).

He is really very good a special dog with no real issues so far, which rescue dogs can often have, he is however very soft and a harsh word (usually directed at Tiree) has him wilting.

I had been advised to keep him on the lead for 3 or 4 weeks until I was absolutely sure he would come back every time. Well he comes back every time on the flexi, in the garden, for the whistle, if I call anyone else and just to make sure I'm still there. He comes back immediately and at great speed so I feel "absolutely sure" and a few times, in the right spot (wide open fields are good) Finn has had his freedom from the lead and comes back every time first time and with a smile on his face - he is wonderful.

He will still have to be on the lead most times as the training progresses but Its great to see him run free, chasing the ball or the other dogs and its so great to see him hurting back towards me on the peep peep peep of the whistle. Oh and he likes a tennis ball which is good, he even brings it back, working on letting me have it though!

I just can't imagine why someone would leave this beautiful well trained affectionate dog in a boarded up hose and walk away to let him starve - their loss is our gain.

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