~kdoes in Berlin

By kdoes


Our last day in Mubai and India. After a very busy 3 weeks I am ready to go home, although I am sadly going to miss the weather and the prices.

After having a nice breakfast at Leopolds (quite a famous cafe) we went to a barber so Gert could get a shave and haircut. In the end he ended up having a haircut, a shave and a full range of massages (face, head, neck and back). I the end I was actually convinced to have my haircut as well, they did quite a good job as well.

After that we went to the Gateway of India to take a boot to Elephanta Island. On this island there were lots of caves with impressive Hindu carvings. Took this photo when we were returning on our 1 hour boattrip. I really like the skyline of Mumbai behind the people on the boat.

After this we had some drinks, had a great last Indian dinner (at the Food Inn, is lots better than it sounds. It is a place people Q for) and then it was off to the airport.

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