Over Geeked for a Friday...

Having set up my desktop computer in my wardrobe the only issue I've had is that it's a bit messy trying to access it having to take some shirts out and find a position for the mouse and keyboard to be in a usable position.

This doesn't bother me all that much as I generally only need to turn it on so I can send stuff to the printer that I connected to it. The pros in space saving far out weigh the cons mentioned above.

I have a couple of things at work where I have to remotely control servers to check stuff running on them and fancied trying it in the house so I could use both computers at the same time and I just have an inner geek that likes trying stuff to see if it works.

What do you know. Windows XP Home Edition has all the controls to do it but it just isn't available to use. You need the Professional Edition to use them.

Managed a way around it by using the Remote controls in Messenger but it's one of these long way for a short cut sort of things. I send signals from my laptop up the phone line onto the Interweb super highway to the Messenger servers, they send it back down the phone line to my desktop computer just to make a pointer move a couple of inches to the left.

Bit of a over geeking for a Friday night...

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