In Tru Life

By TruLife

The Light Found My De-Lightful Sister!

I am continuing on my challenge with trying not to use my flash unless I really need to. Natural light is just so much nicer and this proves it! My sister is a wonderful person, funny, kind, a generous and fabulous mother (to 4), intelligent and beautiful. She has been a great influence on my life (even if I don't tell her enough) and she has given me some of the best memories. I hope she likes this portrait as she, like so many of us women, doesn't rate her beauty very high. I wanted to show her as I see her... a pretty lady who lights up my life!!

You MUST see Harry Potter meets Coraline as it's too cute for you not to! My niece took the photo so I felt I shouldn't claim it as my blip, however much I wanted to! Having said that, I had my heart set on Sis anyway!

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