Another Day

By pcc

Thomsons Gorge Road

We left Moa Creek Hotel after going back onto the Bonsiel Station to have a look at another Chinese Mud Block house where the Chinese occupier of the time had an orchard and grew vegetables.
There are still existing fruit trees, and we were able to sample an apricot and a pear. Delicious. Stopped and had a coffee at Omakau, and then we went onto the Thomsons Gorge Road over the Dunstan Mountains. It was much cooler, and the wind was howling. There were many gates to open and close, and you really had to hang on so as not to be blown away. You can see by the clouds in this image that it is really blowing and that we are high up in the range. We came off the hills to Tarras and then into Wanaka, where we were the guests of Dups, and had great comfort and good food again.
What an experience.
Big thanks for great company and an awe inspiring trip...

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